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The human face is fascinating!

At birth, our face is a blank canvas on which life will ultimately etch itself and transform into a work of art.

Every portrait challenges me to capture not only a physical likeness, but also the 'essence' of who that person is.

Nevertheless, the end result must always be artful.

What inspires me is the inherent uniqueness of each face and the  beauty otherwise found in simple, ordinary moments of life.

An important part of my method is to manipulate the image in many different ways.  My favourite part of the process is magnifying the image until it is almost unrecognizable.  This forces me to analyze and decipher shapes, textures and colours that are otherwise not readily seen.  Sometimes I flip the image sideways or upside down.  Changing the  perspective allows me to see it with fresh eyes.

This process ultimately becomes a silent intimate dance between myself and the image.

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